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2nd wave COVID-19 caused VIC State of Disaster & Stage 4 lockdown一波未平一波又起,新冠肺炎七月爆發單日數百宗,近日確診人數終於降至50
How is everyone been during lockdown throughout the past few months? Time has been going fast since the 2nd wave of COVID-19, when we...

Business reopens and students return to school in June – welcome to the new normal. 新冠肺炎疫情趨緩,六月限制放寬
How has everyone been the past two months? This year’s cold weather came earlier than usual and I hope you’re all continuing to stay...

Performers were impacted seriously by COVID-19 but let’s stay strong together at this crucial time 新
KITA Performing Arts Company takes pride in our role of bringing people wonderful cultural experiences through our performances. The...
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