Happy Lunar New Year! Celebrating the Year of PIG with the "Pig General"! 豬年到,祝大家豬年快樂,諸事如
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Happy 2019! Introducing KITA's new dance crew members - look at our new page! 新年新開始,更新薇蓉舞集網站新成員
It's time to plan your events for 2019! KITA now open for CNY performance booking! 年尾將近,KITA 開始接
KITA Free School Holiday Cultural Workshops were a huge success 海外民俗種子文化教師在地研習大成功!報名學員無畏風雨熱情參加
KITA’s brand new hot flyer is out. Check out what it is about! 最新KITA簡介傳單熱騰騰出爐,快快快,請大家告訴大家!
KITA扯鈴雙人組Max和Candy空竹表演精采,受各方邀請演出,引領中國傳統文化。Our very own popular Diabolo Duo Max & Candy were invi
多元文化日、亞洲舞蹈表演、中國節慶或駐校教學等,KITA / 薇蓉舞集歡迎老師電郵或來電洽詢細節。Book your school incursion with KITA today! Multicu
薇蓉舞集積極參與墨爾本狗年慶祝活動,將於3月1日畫下美麗句點。CNY celebrations are coming to an end. KITA's last public perform
墨爾本2018狗年慶祝活動2月12日啟動,薇蓉舞集與大家共度佳節。Melbourne's CNY Celebration starting from 12 Feb. Join KITA to
新年新氣象 - 2018元旦KITA新網站上線 HAPPY NEW YEAR! Celebrating KITA's new website on the first day of 2018