KITA扯鈴雙人組Max和Candy空竹表演精采,受各方邀請演出,引領中國傳統文化。Our very own popular Diabolo Duo Max & Candy were invi
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薇蓉舞集的扯鈴雙人組 Max 和 Candy 最近超級夯。5月19日分別受邀在聯邦廣場舉辦的2018浴佛節表演,晚上還擔任澳洲墨爾本弘德國術會十周年慶祝活動的開場表演嘉賓。
空竹,又被稱為空鐘、空箏、扯鈴、風葫蘆、響葫蘆、地鈴,為一種中國傳統玩具。玩這種玩具的活動稱作抖空竹、抖空鐘、抖地鈴等等。現多半使用塑膠材質。空竹是一個底面圓形、側面雙凹的木質物體,是用一根兩端有把手的繩抖動轉動或拋起空竹,具有很強觀賞性,可以強身健體。傳統的中國空竹有挖哨,隨著旋轉速度加快會發出聲音;在外國又稱中國搖搖 / 溜溜球。(資料來源:維基百科)
藉此機會,KITA放個短短的影片來讓大家欣賞Max 和 Candy 出神入化的扯鈴技巧吧!(請點選照片看影片)
KITA's popular Diabolo Duo Max & Candy were invited to perform at Buddha's Day & Multicultural Festival 2018 on Saturday 19 May. They were also invited to be the guest performer for leading the opening of the 10 Year Anniversary celebration of Hong De Lion Dance Association the same night.
The Diabolo is a juggling or circus prop consisting of an axle (British English: bobbin) and two cups (hourglass shaped) or discs derived from the Chinese yo-yo. This object is spun using a string attached to two hand sticks. A large variety of tricks are possible with the diabolo, including tosses, and various types of interaction with the sticks, string, and various parts of the user's body. Multiple diabolos can be spun on a single string. (Source: Wikipedia)
We take this opportunity to share a short video to show you how Max & Candy master their skill to perform a perfect Diabolo show! (Please click image to watch the video)