Happy 2019! Introducing KITA's new dance crew members - look at our new page! 新年新開始,更新薇蓉舞集網站新成員

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!! KITA Performing Arts Company / Sabrina Chou Dance Company would like to wish you all a great 2019!
At the beginning of 2019 and the end of Year of the Dog, we would like to introduce and welcoming some of our new dance crew members by launching our freshly modified “Our Team” page: https://www.kitacompany.com/our-team
We have more and more inquiries in regards to the Year of the Pig CNY (Chinese New Year) celebration performance. This means you will see those faces more often in the next month or so.
This year's busy CNY schedule starts from our Hip Hop star Baus who will be bringing one of the Superhoodz members to perform their act together on Saturday 19th January 2019 for Fo Guang Shan Melbourne’s Annual CNY Celebration Dinner.
If you would like to book with us, please email your inquiry to: bookings@kitacompany.com.au or call our Booking Manager Joan directly on 0468 560 959.
大家新年快樂!KITA 多元文化藝術表演公司 / 薇蓉舞集在此敬祝大家有個美好的2019年!
在迎接2019年的時刻,我們也準備要告別狗年,迎接豬年了。在這年與年間的轉接點,我們想藉此機會分享最近更新的舞團成員網站頁面 (Our Team),介紹幾位去年相繼加入的新成員:https://www.kitacompany.com/our-team
如果您有任何慶祝活動想要安排表演節目,希望有專業精采的舞蹈演出,歡迎致電0468 560 959連繫Joan或電郵 bookings@kitacompany.com.au。咱們農曆新年見囉!