Happy Lunar New Year! Celebrating the Year of PIG with the "Pig General"! 豬年到,祝大家豬年快樂,諸事如

This year, KITA Performing Arts Co. / Sabrina Dance Troupe’s Director Sabrina Chou has returned to Melbourne for a short two weeks to create a brand new show for Melbourne’s Lunar New Year celebration. Our dancers will be performing at the Crown River Walk on the 8th & 10th Feb as well as in Chinatown on the 10th Feb.
Since it’s the Year of Pig, the brand new show must be related to Pig, and yes, the show is named “Pig General”. So come to Melbourne city this weekend to celebrate Chinese New Year with us and the Pig General!
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support and we wish everyone a fantastic Year of the PIG! HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR!!
今年,KITA 多元文化藝術表演公司 / 薇蓉舞集總監周薇蓉女士一月底特別從台灣回來墨爾本停留兩星期,為唐人街及皇冠河畔的農曆春節慶祝活動策劃了全新的節目。我們的舞者將於2月8日和10日兩天參與皇冠河畔Hawkers’ Bazaar 的活動演出。而同樣在2月10日,我們也會在唐人街的慶祝活動上表演喔。
豬年開跑!KITA 在此感謝各位過去的支持,也祝大家諸事順心如意,豬年行大運!