Welcome School Term 2! Have you plan your school incursions yet? 學校Term 2 上周正式開始,歡迎email及來電預訂文化教學或演出
KITA Performing Arts Company has been busy during the Diversity Week in March. Not only performed at schools to promote our brand new Multicultural show - Monkey King: Journey to Asia, but also were invited to different events like Docklands and St Vincent’s Hospital to celebrate the Cultural Diversity.
Following the end of Term one school holidays on Easter Monday, students have started their 2nd Term last Tuesday. If your school is considering arranging a school incursion for students to learn about Asian Culture or you are thinking to organise a Cultural Day or to arrange a Cultural show for students to watch. Please contact us either via Email: bookings@kitacompany.com.au or call: 0468 560 959. We will help you to find the most suitable program within your budget!
This May on Saturday 18th & Sunday 19th, our Diabolo duo artists will be performing at the Annual Event in Melbourne: Buddha’s Day & Multicultural Festival. We hope to see many familiar faces there! More details can be found from this link: https://bit.ly/2V11i32
三月的多元文化周,薇蓉舞集不但推廣了全新的校園多元文化秀『孫悟空亞洲遊記』,也受邀到Docklands 及 St Vincents Hospital出演,和大家一起慶祝多元文化的美好。
如今,四月份的學校假期在復活節星期一畫下句點,學生紛紛於上星期二回學校上課了。如果您的學校有考慮安排校園文化教學或欣賞文化表演,或是您今年有計劃做亞洲國家的文化日,敬請接洽 bookings@kitacompany.com.au 或致電0468 560 959,我們一定詳細回答,並努力在您預算之內安排最適合學生的節目。
五月就要到了。一年一度的墨爾本浴佛節將於今年5月18日星期六登場,連著19日兩天展開熱鬧的慶祝活動。我們舞團的兩位扯鈴高手Max 及 Candy 再次受邀,兩天都將壓軸出演,請大家好好期待一下!詳情請看:https://bit.ly/2V11i32