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Business reopens and students return to school in June – welcome to the new normal.  新冠肺炎疫情趨緩,六月限制放寬

How has everyone been the past two months? This year’s cold weather came earlier than usual and I hope you’re all continuing to stay safe and well, especially now since winter has set in.

In mid-March, the Government started the 3rd stage restrictions to prevent the spread of COVID-19. In the past two and a half months, the dining industry was forced to only do delivery and take away business and the retail industry had to close shops and turn to selling online. The Performing Arts industry also experienced a dramatic change as artists and performers had to either suspend their business or do their shows virtually.

With stable control of COVID-19, the decision now follows the Victorian Government’s move to ease restrictions, based on the advice of the Chief Health Officer. Therefore business has reopened from 1st of June 2020 and schools are now welcoming back their students from today 9th of June onwards.

Although Term 2 has only started with less than 3 weeks to go, a lot of Cultural organisations like the Arts Centre and the Museums are preparing to welcome the return of the public from the end of this month for school holidays. A range of public health, hygiene and physical distancing measures will definitely need to be put in place to ensure everyone’s safety and comfort.

At this stage, KITA still cannot bring that special Cultural experience to school or the public. We understand the safety of the community is the first priority for the nation now. However we are ready and looking forward to the announcement from the Government when we can welcome back all school incursions and Public performance bookings.

For now, please keep following our Facebook Fan Page for any updates and we will continue to share interesting Performing Arts information here:


自3月中旬起,政府為阻止新冠肺炎 (COVID-19) 的傳播而實施嚴格的外出管制。這段時間以來,餐飲業被迫只做外送和外賣,零售業也多半關閉實體店改成網路銷售。娛樂表演產業同樣也經歷了戲劇性的變化,許多藝人的表演舞台都轉移到網路平台改做線上演出。


雖然開學後Term 2 只剩下三個星期,但隨著假期的到來,各文化組織如博物館,美術館和藝術中心等也都摩拳擦掌地準備於6月27日起歡迎大眾回歸。而在正式開放前,大家都得緊跟維多利亞州政府的指示,為確保公眾安全和舒適健康採取一系列公共衛生相關的疏導措施。



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