HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR! Welcoming the Year of OX! 送鼠迎牛,祝大家牛年扭轉乾坤,否極泰來,新年快樂!

It’s the 3rd day of the Lunar New Year as well as Valentine’s Day. Happy Valentine’s Day and Happy Year of Ox to you all!
As you all know, we received an announcement of a 5-day lockdown from the Victorian Government on the first day of Lunar New Year (12 February) saying the lockdown would be starting from 11:59pm the very night. This means some of our gigs that booked for early next week, e.g. the one in Box Hill on Tuesday 16 and the other on Wednesday 17 in the Waverley Garden have either been forced to postpone or cancelled. What a special beginning of Year of the OX!
Luckily we had a few shows performed in Melbourne Chinatown on the Lunar New Year Eve and had an incursion done on the Lunar New Year Day. Our instructor Baus had run the Lion Dance & Drum workshop successfully in the Early Learning Centre with the children.
We are glad currently we are still having a few performance bookings for Lunar New Year 2021, which is a good beginning for us. Let’s hope the lockdown will not be extended so we get to bring our dance show as well as the dance workshop to the public for the next two weeks.
In the meantime, we are happy to announce that Year 2021 we have a new Multicultural Show for school incursions! This time, our Multicultural show will be presented by a Korean dancer and an Indian dancer. They will show students the Chinese, Korean and Indian cultures through their dances. We have several incursions booked in for Harmony Day in March 2021 already. Contact us to inquire more details: bookings@kitacompany.com.au
2020 has been a difficult and chaotic year for the world. Starting with the global pandemic of COVID-19 and then a 7 months hard lockdown in Melbourne…luckily we have been through this and things will only get better from now on! Thank you for all of your support in the past years. Please continue to like us on Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/SabrinaDanceTroupe/
Let's hope Year of the Ox will be a better one and KITA can bring more performances to you again soon. We wish everyone a HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR & Happy Valentine’s Day!
2月12日大年初一維州政府為了防止新冠確診案例增加而發布從年初二開始封城五天的消息。這個消息代表著原本2月16日訂在Box Hill以及2月17日在Waverley Garden Shopping Centre安排的演出都將被迫取消或延期。牛年的開始還真是充滿挑戰的特別啊!
很幸運的,除夕夜我們在墨爾本唐人街有了幾場演出。而大年初一也有幼兒園訂了舞獅和打鼓的室內教學課程。舞者Baus帶著小朋友了解中國新年和舞獅技巧,讓孩子們可以親手敲鼓和親身體驗舞獅,也更能深刻感受華人慶祝新年的氣氛。 只要這次封城不順延,幾天後我們依然會有幾場慶祝農曆新年的舞蹈演出,也算是個好的開始吧!
與此同時,我們也想藉此機會通知學校,KITA 的2021年多元文化表演開始接受預訂囉。目前我們三月已經接了幾場校園的演出。有別於前兩年的孫悟空亞洲遊記 (Journey to Asia) 由孫悟空帶著學生透過舞蹈遊亞州,體驗中國和東南亞文化。這次我們的多元文化秀將由韓國舞者和印度舞者用舞蹈來介紹中國、韓國和印度這三個國家的慶祝文化。歡迎有辦和諧日 (Harmony Day)、多元文化日(Multicultural Day) 或文化日 (Cultural Day) 的學校電郵來bookings@kitacompany.com.au 洽詢預訂。