2nd wave COVID-19 caused VIC State of Disaster & Stage 4 lockdown一波未平一波又起,新冠肺炎七月爆發單日數百宗,近日確診人數終於降至50

How is everyone been during lockdown throughout the past few months? Time has been going fast since the 2nd wave of COVID-19, when we were just entering winter. Now we are already in spring.
Remembering how back in June, everyone was getting ready to reopen their businesses and students were excited to return to school. Unfortunately the 2nd wave of the COVID-19 outbreak was a lot more serious and the number was remaining steadily high with several hundreds of people infected daily.
To fight the outbreak and reduce the pressure on our health system, the Victorian government decided to continue remote learning for schools and for businesses to remain in Stage 3 restrictions. By 22 July, it was announced that everyone from Metropolitan Melbourne would need to wear a face-covering when going outside.
By early August, we had moved from Stage of Emergency to Stage of Disaster which was also the start of Stage 4 restrictions, which included the first ever Melbourne-wide curfew in history, along with additional restrictions such as a 5km from home limit for shopping or exercise. Exercise had also been restricted to one hour with at most, one other person.
Last week on the 6 September, Premier Daniel Andrews announced the roadmap for all Victorians to understand the steps of returning to ‘normal’ life. We have now been notified that current Stage 4 restrictions will extend for another two weeks from tomorrow, the 14 until 27 September, including the curfew, but the starting time of that will be shifted from 8pm to 9pm until next morning 5am.
Although KITA was disappointed with the fact that we are unable to start our business until later this year, we understand the importance of people’s health and safety and therefore we would like to encourage everyone to cooperate with the Government: stay home if you can, wear a mask when going out and if you have any symptoms, get tested to prevent any further spread of the virus.
Victoria’s COVID-19 positive cases have been under 50 in the past 72 hours. If we can keep the numbers down or drop them down even lower, we will be able to move quicker and start out road of recovery. So let’s keep up the good work Victorians! For more details about the COVID19 restrictions roadmaps, please check: https://www.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-covid-19-restrictions-roadmaps
It seems that in the short period of time, KITA won’t be able to bring any live performances to the public or schools just yet. We may consider developing some online programs, hoping it will be a new way of bringing the Cultural education to schools or the community in the future. Even though the hope of getting new bookings continues postponing, we will continue to share interesting posts and updates from our Facebook Fan Page, so please support and follow up on: https://www.facebook.com/SabrinaDanceTroupe/
原本6月27日起,各產業計畫著陸續恢復營業,學生們結束兩個月遠距教學準備重回校園懷抱恢復面對面上課時,六月底放假期間新冠肺炎COVID19社區感染一發不可收拾,第二波疫情爆發,並且更加嚴重。7月初維州州長宣布學校 Term 3回歸遠距教學,其餘產業皆恢復成放緩前的第三階段管制。
自七月進入維州緊急狀態 (State of Emergency)以來,疫情仍未見大幅改善且確診人數居高不下,於是州政府八月初宣布全州進入災難狀態 (State of Disaster) 開始第四階段管制。墨爾本於8月2日起實施有史以來首次全市宵禁,每晚8時至翌日清晨5時不准出門。而為遏止社區傳播,墨爾本居民只能在離家5公里範圍內購物及運動,外出一定要戴口罩,且每天只能有一人外出購物一次,運動時間也只限一小時,這期間警方擁有更大執法權。
維州在過去72小時的單日確診人數都在50以下,如果數字能夠繼續降低或延續如此狀態兩周,大家就有望提早進入解封第二步了。關於解封詳請請參考: https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus/traditional-chinese